Thursday, August 6, 2009


hey guys..

i know i ave been missing for awhile. its not my fault o my laptop is just a messup; and i got it like last month. so now i am typing from a desktop (and it feels so wierd). i have really been caught up in this blog that i just found out about. the guy is hilariouss diary of a naija bad boi

Well i sent the email to my dad and he responded lol! this is a bit of the letter that i sent

1) my phone has been rendered technologically and socially incapable of performing most functions such as web browsing etc
2) it has most of the functions that are useful in our day and age
3) you know u dont want me to suffer
4)my present cellular phone goes is incapacitated as it erases data at its own will
5)as a student, the data in question is important to me
6)the phone has a very long life span so you dont have to worry about getting me a new one in the next two to three years
7) as my birthday is approaching i thought that this would be an early birthday present
8) you know you dont want me to suffer

yes i made a point twice.. it was for emphasis. nd i did not continue after number eight mehn. it was just a long thing. i was even having doubts about getting the phone. i sent the letter to his PA and forwarded it to his email. I did not get any reply from any of them. i just gave up on the whole issue and was thinking about how to persuade my mother to get me the phone instead. after what seemed like forever, my mum said that she doesnt have time for buying a new phone for me and that if she buys for one, she has to buy for all.

fastforward to three days ago. she arrived to see me and what did she bring with her?? my blackberry! he sent it through her; he did not want to give me the cash. i wanted the bold but he got me the tour... which i love even moree =]

p.s i was eating peppersoup and i put my finger in my eye.. typical me
is it true that lady gaga is a hemaprhodite?? ( abi is it an??)

sweet dreams y'll



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ofcourse im first

Anonymous said...

anyway,yay for your glad u got it.

Miss Natural said...

Lol i love ur list, very explicit and straight to the point :) Parents can be soo cool at times!

Young Grumbler said...

Lol, your and your pops are funny! But atleast you got the phone...wait which one is the Tour? I know the Bold and I've got the the Tour new? *writing letter to Papa AJ*

Rene said...

yay you!
bold n tour...what's the difference

Anonymous said...

LUCKY baistahd!

I am sooo envious ryt now!

No fair!

tunrayo said...

I want! i want! i want!. congratulations u...(will your father adopt me for a few days till i can get a BB out of him?)

Fabulo-la said...

Which one is tour?
Na wa o.
Me sef im jealous.

nameless said...

@ leggy - thanks :)

@miss natural- thanks o.. i jst copied what some suggestions that pple sent to me.. :P

@AJ - lol! i think its the newest type of blackberry..

@rene- now that i think of it.. there is actually no difference.. one is jst newer..

@chari- lol! dnt be jealous nw.. ur own is cmng soon :D

@tunrayo- lmao! am sure he will be happy to have another daughter.. :P

@fabulo-la- dnt be jealous nw.. :)

Sir Scribbles said...

LOL!! Naija bad boi has got his hooks into u too *looking proud* dats my boy right thurrr!!!

See the politics involved in getting popsy to arrange a new phone lol...hilarious

I don't know if Gaga is a hemaphrodite but I know she's a bisexual sha!!

nameless said...

sir scribbles- lol! i cant help myself *blushing*

BSNC said...

at least you got the phone.

hehehe your finger in your eyes while eating pepper soup, na so the soup sweet you. Okay thats not funny, i hope you are okay :)

nameless said...

@BSNC- lol! it was kinda funny tho.. cos my mum did warn me about the finger.

and i am fine thanks for asking :)