i just rembered something funny that happened to me when i went back to nigeria for christmas. i was on my way to london and i was on the phone with my mum as i was passing the customs people. when the customs lady reached me, she looked at my passoport and went
"is this passport even legal?"
i was dumbfounded for a moment and my mum who was on the fone just started laughing so much.. i had to hang up so that i could understand what i just heard. i cudnt believe it. i dndt answer her and she asked again "is the nigerian passport legal?"
i was like wot do you think? she gave me dis look dat said "bite me". i was like wtf??
she had to go consult some people at the front before she could stamp my passport
the annoying thing was that i was the only nigerian person on the flight. i felt so embarassed. like i ave serzly chopped because this nigerian passport thingy. when i was still in highschool some white dude came to me and gave me 1 cent and went "for the children in africa"
i didnt even answer him. it was my frnd dat wanted to slap him.. lol!!
Celebrities That Tried Too Hard to Be Relatable
3 weeks ago
That is hilarious! i laughed my head off when I read it even though its not really funny. Its actually so embarrassing, but that woman cannot justify herself...her actions demonstrated plain ignorance. and the guy in your school, yes wow how embarrassing, more ignorance but the woman's own is worse sha.
ur friend wanted to slap him ke? so u didn't slap him. WTF is for the children in africa..shey someone wrote ambassador for UNICEF on ur forehead...I'm actually pissed u know
miss natural- ignorance is an under statement. the woman was just dumb. she obviously has something for nigerian people because she was just out of line...
i wanted to just turn around and catch the next flight or something.
sir scribbles- am sure u are pissed. wot he said was just down right rude. but in that situation, i tot the best thing to do was just to walk away.. so that he will feel as stupid as he sounded..
You should have asked her if her life is legal.... Hiss!! Madness! This custom craziness has never happened to me and I seriously think I will snap when/if it does.
And smh at the white guy from your high school. Ignorance at its prime...
Amazing that people still get away with stuff like that..
Can you imagine the nerve, you would have just bite the idiot..lol
1cent?lol...1 cent?lol...i know fit talk abeg.
D guy is an idiot...u shld have told him that u cld afford to feed his whole credit card spendin family 4 one year.....hissssssss
As 4 d lady at d airport...no comment
Shame what this world has turned into...SMH
hahahaa..mehnn shit happens... but im really proud by the way you handled both scenario`s..ahan... fake passport??!! hmmmm dat accusation is really something, as for the guy that gave you one cent... ignorance na `im situation...
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